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I find Joanis Croghan married (1790) to Mariae Fogarty in Drum (St Peters parish). I believe these are their children, Cathrinam (1791), Richardum (1793), Mariam (1795), Thadeum (1797), Honorum (1798 & possibly a twin Thomasum) & Patricirum (1801). These dates for children are based on christianing dates. I am trying to find if they had additional children & their birth dates. If marriage or death dates can be found, I would appreciate that also. Thanks in advance for any help on this family.


Saturday 14th Sep 2024, 04:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Peggy,

    Per Roots Ireland (paid subscription), John and Mary were married July 16, 1790, at St. Peters. They lived in Athlone, Roscommon where they had their children.


    Catherine April 25, 1791

    Richard June 9, 1743

    Mary March 22, 1795

    Thady July 21, 1797

    Patrick March 8, 1800

    No record found for Honora and Thomas.

    In 1791, a Stephen Fogarty married Elizabeth Croghan at St. Peters, perhaps relatives.

    Regards- Mary


    Saturday 14th Sep 2024, 11:02AM
  • Peggy,

    I found these potential marriages on RootsIreland, both at St. Peters

    Mary Croghan to Thomas Kiely 1828

    Richard Croghan to Mary Kearney 1831, children- Michael 1834, Francis 1836, Richard 1838, Mary 1839, Charles (Carlos) 1841, Ann 1848

    Regards- Mary


    Saturday 14th Sep 2024, 11:18AM
  • In addition to this, I have Honorum ch. 10 Sept 1798, same location and also have Thomasum ch. 10 Sept 1798 with parents Joanis Groghan & Mori Fogerty (possible surname mispelling), also same St Peters.

    I have a Patricium, ch. year as 1801.

    My ancestor is Martin, born about 1807-08 in Roscommon, so wonder if this is his family.






    Monday 16th Sep 2024, 09:31PM

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