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Hello .... Again!

I am researching my fathers line also! ha! 

I am looking for my Brannen (Branham/Brouham) ancestors. 

My fathers mother 4th great grandmother was: Mary Brannen b. 1797 GA d. 1877 GA

Her father was William Brannen b. 1750 Ballykeel, Ire d. 1840 GA   m. Eliz. Gross b. 1754 NC d. 1851 GA

Her grand Father was Thomas Alexander Brannon b. 1723 Ire  d. 1804 unsure if Ire or US married: Abigail Wilson b 1738 Ballykeel d 1807 Ballykeel

Does anyone know of this family? We cannot find parents of Thomas or Abigail Wilson. Would love to reach further back and learn more about them!

Thanks so much!



Thursday 19th Dec 2024, 07:05PM

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