Hello from Australia,
Researching possible connections between KIELY and JORDON (Jordan-Jourdan-Jorden-Jurden) families in the Dromcollogher area of Limerick.
Timothy KIELY was born Limerick around 1833 (based on 1901 census). Per Roots Ireland, he joined the RIC in 1854 aged 20, married N (no), County of Origin: Limerick. He moved to County Clare, where he married Mary SHERIDAN in 1857. The subsequent baptisms of several children can be found in Ogonnelloe, Clare. Timothy was vouched for by JP Eyre Ivers in Dromcollogher for joining the RIC so it is assumed that Timothy was from that area. No baptism record can be found for Timothy (Roots Ireland, Ancestry or reading the Catholic Register for Dromcollogher 1832 to 1834).
Two of our JORDON DNA testing group (seven people aged 64 to 97) have strong matches to Timothy and his half-brother, around third-cousin level which possibly means the common ancestor is Timothy’s parents through a marriage of KIELY sibling to a JORDON. There are hundreds of Kielys and tens of Jordans in the Dromcollogher area around 1830s to 1850s. The only marriage I can find between a KIELY and a JORDAN is Edmond KIELY to Ellen JORDAN at Bruff on 08 February 1855 (Roots Ireland). On Roots Ireland, there are four possible Edmond Kielys of the right age and three Ellen Jordans/Jourden and no baptisms found after the marriage.
If anyone has any knowledge of Timothy KIELY born circa 1833 or his parents or siblings, could you please advise. Same for the marriage of Edmond KIELY to Ellen JORDAN in 1855. Edmond marrying in 1855 is about the right age for being a sibling to Timothy but no records can be found to support that theory.
Thanks you. Alan Denham
Victoria, Australia