I live in the US but am writing about our family history. When I was a child we lived for a year or two (around 1967-70) in Mill House on Mill Street which now appears to be occupied by The Order of Malta. Truthfully I think we skipped down moving back to Dublin and left without paying rent. Anyway, I recall the house had a stone basement that was divided into rooms by these thick stone walls. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about the history of that house. I was always curious about that stone basement and wondered what it's purpose was. Next door was the mill so maybe the mill owner stored grain there or something. Anyway, if anyone has any history or information it would be much appreciated.
Ger Monaghan
Thursday 18th Oct 2018, 06:58PMMessage Board Replies
Hi Ger, my first reaction is tut tut, but as I live in Drogheda can understand fully, but do not tell my Dundalk partner I said that. I had a quick look online but found little, there were 4, I assume flour mills there and assume the house was either the managers or as you suggest. In 1854 most houses on Mill Streeet were owned by the Earl of Roden, although the Sisters of Charity lived in two which were undergoing change of ownership. This is from Griffiths Valuation.
I looked in this site about Louth and see a drawing of the area I think and also a Miss McGuinness lived there in 1896. http://www.jbhall.freeservers.com/
You could try an email to the Louth Library https://www.louthcoco.ie/en/Services/Library/Reference-Local-History-Li…; and the Louth Archives https://www.louthcoco.ie/en/Services/Archives/
Louth has an active history society here http://www.clahs.com/ annual membership is about $20 includes the annual journal, back issues to 1904 are on J Stor https://www.jstor.org/ access comes with membership but cannot guarantee any articles on Mill House. You can access J Stor separately I think to joining.
I also see a Facebook page ofr Old Dundalk but I find these pages very hit and miss and your query can quickly go down the page, dundalk northend and friends ( old and new photos ) there are also Louth History and Heritage pages.
St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer
Hi Pat,
Ha ha mums the word on your Dundalk partner :)
Thanks so much for all this information. Lots of good resources to look into.