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I am looking for genealogy information regarding Thomas Phair born about 1796 married to Mary Curry. I do know his children including my decendent  Rboert born 1825.  I think Thomas' father is a William Phair, they were tenant farmer in Drumsleague. Would lke more info about William and who his wife and children are.

Tuesday 17th Mar 2015, 05:05AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Julie

    Apologies for the long delay in getting back to you. Have you managed to find out any more about the above?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 22nd Jul 2015, 10:42AM
  • Sorry for the delayed response, I didnt see your response. I have found out a bit more. Are you a professional genealogist in that area?

    Wednesday 17th Feb 2016, 05:48AM
  • Hi  Julie

    I manage the message board here, so if you would like to add any additional info we may be able to assist

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 24th Feb 2016, 12:57PM
  • Yes I would like additional info. How can you assist.

    Thanks, Julie Phair Hansmann

    Friday 11th Mar 2016, 06:31AM
  • Hi Julie

    If you add anything extra you have located since first posting in March last year other volunteers and users can see it and perhaps offer some advice

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 11th Mar 2016, 04:34PM

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