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This site has been recommended to me and how fascinating this is to read!

I live in Yorkshire, albeit on my mothers side my Grandad family are from Galway.   After a lot of digging about and asking my mum 1000s of questions I got the siblings names and the father and Mother.  Now this is the cool bit I only found out yetserday.  tradition is to name the male of the family after the grandparent which has of course cause  given me a lot of grief (still not reasolved really)

Also the names of the Counties and some areas vary in name and I am not familiar with them at all

I managed to find Gt Grandparents x 3 generations in Tuam, Dunmore, Galway.  Back in the 1840s.  Prior to that its sparse.  Looked at all the usual databases and its a shame really as the Census prior to and includign 1851 is pretty poor and for some odd reason Galway is not listed as an option to search

Anyway, I do hope one day I can visit Tuam, once Ifind out exactly where they were, I know they were farmers and according to my mum extremely poor.  My Gt Grandfather left Ireland so that his children (my grandad Thomas) could have a better life.  it was tough for them, he became a miner at a local pit and lived in one of the mining houses which was basically a slum.  Eventyually the pit closed, the houses were demolished as they were squalid and my grandparents moved to a nice village nearby in to a Council House where they both lived until passing away.  My grandma reached the age of 100.

I am living in hope that maybe someone can help find details of my relatives Catherine Connel and james Connell 1837 and 1842 respectively.  Their residence according to paperwork was Agerdool?  Their Children Michal John, Mary, James and Patrick were all born in the area.


Thank you


Wednesday 11th Mar 2020, 09:19AM

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