Hello Mrs. Nola (McCool) McGillycuddy,
I am not sure if this is a viable way to communicating with you, if you will see this here; but I hope that is the case. I believe that we may have some relatives in common. My great, great grandparents were Kearneys from Tiernaleague, Carndonagh, County Donegal. Please feel free to check out my family tree at ancestry.com; I believe that you will see Michael McCool's parents and also information on his two sisters and brother and their descentants. Also, information about other Kearney relatives. And yes, there are still descentants living in Carn; one of whom, my secord cousing once removed whom I met last summer, still owns a piece of land at Tiernaleague. I would love to compare notes with you on your branch of the family and add descendants to my tree. Check out the Edward O'Malley Buckley Family Tree at Ancestry. com. Happy searching, Edward O'Malley Buckley..